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15 Apr 2024

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A very hoppy Easter Family Fun Day!

We are delighted to express our thanks to all the wonderful individuals and families who attended the Capstone Easter event on Sunday the 31st of March. Our beautiful Lakeview Park was buzzing with excitement and joy as people of all ages came together to celebrate this special occasion. 

As part of the festivities, we organised a petting zoo that was an instant hit with the kids. The little ones were thrilled to interact with the friendly animals and learn interesting facts about them. We also had free face painting for the children, and we were amazed by the creativity and imagination of requests.

One of the highlights of the event was the meet-and-greet session with our guest of honour, the Easter Bunny! The children were excited to get up close for photos with the bunny. Click here to see our event photo gallery! 

And of course, no Easter celebration is complete without sharing chocolate eggs with each other! 

Overall, it was a wonderful event filled with fun, laughter, and more memories that brought our Capestone community together. 

We are grateful to the staff and attendees who made this event a huge success. Thank you once again, and we look forward to seeing you in our future events! 

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