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29 Nov 2016

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Urbex and Plantation Homes show new terrace project to Moreton Bay Reginal Council

Around 20 representatives from Moreton Bay Regional Council were treated to a special viewing of Plantation Home’s new terrace development at Urbex’s master planned community Capestone, Mango Hill.

Around 20 representatives from Moreton Bay Regional Council were treated to a special viewing of Plantation Home’s new terrace development at Urbex’s master planned community Capestone, Mango Hill.

John Atkinson, Development Manager of Capestone said the development was a first for the region and is a result of ongoing collaborations between Urbex, Plantation Homes and Council.

“Terraced housing of this kind is new to the Moreton Bay region and Plantation Home’s modern take on the terrace means each house has its own title without the cost and hassle of a body corporate.

“At the time we started work on the project, Council’s planning scheme did not contemplate terrace housing, so to a certain extent this was breaking new ground for all involved.

“These terraces really hit the mark and meet council’s planning goals whilst still being attractive and providing residents with everything they want and need with Council representatives agreeing.

Brad Collins, Sales and Marketing Manager for Plantation Homes, said that the terraces are extremely spacious inside boasting 4 bedrooms and up to 2.5 bathrooms with a high spec inclusion level that buyers have come to expect.

“We worked hard to make these terraces a full-size family home and have ensured that what you see is what you get.

“We have included buyers’ non-negotiables like stylish street appeal, lock-up garage, an outdoor area and spacious living areas with natural light.

“It’s been an exciting project to work on as Moreton Bay Regional Council haven’t done real terraces like this before and we all worked with council and planners to make this happen.

“Part of today is about showing the whole team what we’ve been able to achieve and to showcase the end results so everyone can see how all the work has come up.

John Atkinson, Development Manager of Capestone added that both economic and social factors were the major drivers of introducing terrace housing within Capestone.

“Economic factors included affordability and social factors included a strong desire to live in an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, or “a community”.

“Residents in the terraces will be able to enjoy the new railway station, a future picturesque lake, lots of shops and a new school,” he said.

“Urbex has been working on the Capestone community since 2004 and we have about 1,000 lots on ground now with around 1,000 to go.

“Uptake has been strong for land within this development so if people are interested in the Plantation Homes Terraces, or any part of the Capestone community, I suggest they get in quick.”

For Plantation Terrace housing enquiries call Luis Camargo on 0411 259 940, or for general land enquiries call 1300 769 607 or visit and register your interest.

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